Florida Statutes create the guidelines for establishing parenting plans within the best interests of the child/ren. However, there are some frequent provisions that can be put in place that arent always spelled out within the statute. An example of that type of provision is the right of first refusal. The right of first refusal is […]
The Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure establish the guidelines and rules for the discovery process in any family law matter. The rules include what may or may not need to be disclosed, what remedies one can seek for discovery violations or protective orders, and some other niche issues which may come about in a […]
Contracts are a vital legal tool, serving as a foundation which governs agreements made across a wide range of situations. Individuals, businesses, and other entities rely on contracts to define their rights and obligations. A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to meet their obligations, often causing harm and damages to the other […]